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Mental Health

Millions of Americans struggle with depression and anxiety on a daily basis. These things are often caused by past events such as the loss of loved one, adverse events during childhood, being the victim of violence, etc. Depression and anxiety can be crippling to those that suffer from it and there is often little they can do about this. For those with anxiety, simply smelling a certain cologne or hearing a certain song can set off a full blown panic attack that leaves them unresponsive. Persons that suffer from depression often are unsure as to why they feel the way they do, but they have such a disinterest in life and things that once brought them joy that it is hard to even eat or get out of bed.

In this day of age, people suffering from these mental health conditions find help through many outlets. Some use medication daily that allows them to carry about a “normal” life, while others find that medication simply takes the edge off their anxiety or allows their depression to lift just enough that they can finally eat for the first time in a week. Others use what are referred to as coping skills, some of which are good, some of which are bad. Working out, speaking with friends about their issues, and channeling their stress through artistic mediums are all examples of good coping skills. On the other hand, many people turn to drugs, alcohol, and violence to numb their mental anguish.

If people are currently suffering this much in a world where food and shelter are abundant to all but the most impoverished, then where does this leave us in an apocalypse situation? Even if the disaster is localized such as a flood or tornado, the mental health of those involved will suffer and it will likely be neglected just as it is in our daily lives now.

Who is susceptible?

Anyone that is impacted by the incident whether directly or indirectly will feel some form of mental anguish. Continuing with the example of a flood, those personally involved will first be shocked that this is happening to them. They will either use adrenalin to pull through the initial incident, or freeze up and not act which could lead to their deaths. After the incident, the stages of grief will take over. Some will be able to deal with it and some will not. Some will become depressed and fall into a downward spiral due to their losses. Others, those that have what we call resiliency, will make it through the disaster, will rebuild, and will be stronger for it.

How do you fight it?

Earlier I mentioned a term called resiliency, which is the ability to pull through an adverse event, learn from it, and carry on with daily life. The scars will always be there, but those that are resilient are able to use their mental toughness to pull through and not allow that anguish to take over their lives. Resiliency is not something that can be learned, it is an innate ability and is the reason that some live through disaster and others do not. Those that are resilient are able to use their coping skills to get through the pain of dealing with disaster.

What the hell is a coping skill?

A coping skill is simply something that helps an individual to deal with their anxiety or depression in order to make it more manageable. Although some of these things may be different after an apocalypse, the idea is still the same, reduce your stress.


  • Focusing on a project

  • Hunting or fishing

  • Target practice

  • Tending to livestock or training a dog

  • Drawing or other artistic outlets

  • Listening to music


  • Using drugs or alcohol excessively

  • Sleeping the days away

  • Using outbursts of violence

  • Acting recklessly

What does this mean for me?

It is important for each of us to take a step back and self examine at this point to see what kind of stress we are carrying around in our daily lives and how we are dealing with it. If we are using negative methods now, what does that mean for our futures? By learning ways to deal with stress now while things are relatively good, we will be better suited to deal with a disaster situation. If you are unable to deal with the stress of life now on your own, seek medical help and do not feel ashamed about this. Medication can be a necessity for some people, but be sure that you are able to get a supply in the event of a disaster.

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