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Our Mission...

The purpose of ZASC is to help you survive the impending zombie apocalypse! (Or just the day to day disasters that befall human beings around the world daily).

We offer classes in the following areas:

  • Fire starting methods

  • Water collection and filtration

  • Emergency shelters

  • Bug out bag (BOB) components

  • Medicinal plants

  • Urban survival

  • Team development

  • and more

While we do schedule classes in the midwest that are open to public attendance, we also travel throughout the U.S.  In other words,  WE COME TO YOU!
You choose the venue. You set the curriculum. Invite your friends and family or coworkers.  ZASC staff will be there to guide and instruct your group, offering the same family friendly learning enviroment that we are known for here in Iowa.


NOTE:  While ZASC does not teach any firearms skills,  we do recommend  you find a qualified instructor in your area.  We,  as instructors, also take classes, like the active shooter class and hand to hand defense. While we do not teach these things, we do endorse them and you will see pictures on our site from our instructors taking these classes.


You can reach us on our Contact form and schedule your day camp!

Please remember that some of what we discuss concerning "Zombie Apocalypse" is theoretical. (The skills and knowledge garnered are VERY REAL and useful from day to day living, or helping you out during short term or long term disasters and emergenices etc.)

 "Z.A.S.C.  Our mission is to help provide you with the skills necessary to be a survivor.  To survive anything from a small localized disaster on up through a full scale apocalypse"

The Z.A.S.C. Motto!

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